Why Google Workspace Business Starter?

Written by Aaron Fowles 3rd January 2023


In this article we’ll discuss some of the benefits of the Google Workspace entry-level plan - Business Starter. I hope to show you there are many benefits in addition to having a professional-looking email address from your own company’s domain!

tl;dr - use this link to get a 14 day no-obligation free-trial today! If you want 10% off the cost of your whole first year of Google Workspace (for up to 100 users!!!) then signup to our mailing list and we'll send you a discount code within 48 hours of signup!


Having an email address that is from your domain is one of the most cited reasons for upgrading from the free tier. It definitely feels more professional, particularly when a group of you may be discussing something over email with a client.

You’ll also have access to Google Groups which, among many other uses, can be configured as a shared mailbox (or Collaborative Inbox in Google’s terminology). This means you can start sending and receiving email from addresses like accounts@yourcompany.com. I like this for both the outgoing appearance but also the fail-safe redundancy - no more emails sitting in colleagues’ inboxes until they get back from leave!


You’re probably already using many of Google’s apps such as Docs and Sheets. Using them as part of Google Workspace has several additional benefits...

Prevent Data Breaches

You can configure Workspace to only allow document sharing with other users in your organisation which protects against accidental data exfiltration.

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

We’ve already spoken about using Google Groups for shared mailboxes but they are also very useful for organising groups of people within the organisation. Access to resources can then be specified for that Group. For example, you can create a group called finance@yourcompany.com to share financial reporting docs with - no more long lists of user email addresses. Also, proper user management of the group will ensure appropriate access-control is manageable.

You can even combine the collaborative inbox and RBAC features of Groups so that comms and access-control are combined and easier to manage.

Managing third-party applications

There will be times when you or your employees want to use an app outside of Google’s ecosystem. Workspace allows you to “Install” many third-party apps organisation-wide so that your users can easily access them using their Workspace email. This Single-Sign-On is convenient but also more secure. The alternative is having your colleagues create passwords all over the internet that are associated with usernames containing your company name - an advert for hackers to come a-knocking!

Google Cloud

If you’re not already aware Google Cloud Platform is Google’s Cloud Computing offering. One use of Google Cloud is the world-class data integration and analysis capabilities. If you get to the point where you want to centralise data from the various sales, marketing, accounting, ecommerce products you use day-to-day then Google Cloud is one of the best solutions out there. The BigQuery analytics service is cost-effective and scalable and integrates seamlessly with the Google Groups RBAC functionality we’ve already discussed so you can securely provision access to data.


Increased collaboration and security are just some of the benefits when you sign up to Google Workspace Business Starter. I signed my company up to Google Workspace Business Starter back in 2021 and it’s been transformational. Use this link to get a 14 day no-obligation free-trial! If you want 10% off the cost of your whole first year of Google Workspace (for up to 100 users!) then signup to our mailing list and we'll send you a discount code within 48 hours of signup! Enjoy!